Alessandro Gualtieri
Alessandro Gualtieri, born and living in Milan, Italy, is a scholar of the Great War.
He has recently published some exhaustive best-sellers on this topic and the exclusive war diary of a WWI Italian infantryman (“Dal Piave alla prigionia”). The latter is available worldwide, in English, as “An Italian forever”.
Other recent editorial tour-de-forces of Alessandro Gualtieri include a comprehensive essay about The Battle of the Somme, The Battle of Verdun and the The Battles of Ypres. These three books have been officially included in the public library of the Imperial War Museum in London.
Thoroughly investigating women’s emancipation origins and development, in 2012 Alessandro Gualtieri authored what is undoubtedly regarded as his #1 best-seller: “La Grande Guerra delle Donne” (“The Great War of Women).
In 2012, the scholar presented his paper “Eye-witness reports from the Italian Front manslaughter” as one of the International key-speaker, during a conference in Oxford, UK – “The Great War in Italy, Representation and Interpretation”.
Alessandro Gualtieri has also compiled a unique guidebook about the Italian Museums of the First World War and a book about war relics scavengers and diggers.
Alessandro Gualtieri is the editor of a website entirely dedicated to the First World War, on-line at:
In 2016, Alessandro Gualtieri authored its witty "Parlare Inglese senza saperlo"
("How to speak English without any know-how").
It's probably the very first book for learning English while having a good laugh.
The author’s mission is to reach a variegated audience of readers with different school backgrounds, fueling their creativity and imagination, only to find the winning “formula” and the very personal successful approach to studying and then speaking and writing in such a vital foreign language.
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